Shevet Tapuz
שבט תפוז

Shevet Tapuz, the Israeli Scouts of Orange County, is part of Tzofim Tzabar, the Israeli Scouts of North America, which is an apolitical, non-sectarian organization.

It aims to strengthen the relationships between Israel and North American Jews, promote teamwork, tolerance and respect among people of all faiths.

About Us

Tzofim Tzabar emphasizes social and moral development. It aims to strengthen the relationships between Israel and North American Jews, project Israel in a positive light, promote teamwork, tolerance, and respect among people of all faiths, and form strong bonds between the Israeli youth living abroad and in Israel.

The program helps young people to develop physically, intellectually and socially, through age-specific activities including simulation games, discussions, projects, camping trips, ceremonies, holiday celebrations, music, and sport, in a fun and stimulating way.




חברי הוועד

ליאורה פסוק – ראש השבט
אלדר הרמן – מרכז בוגר
רוני רועה – גזברית
אניטה בוראפקר – אחראית מתנדבים ורשמת
טל פרל – תוכן
מירב אביב – פרוייקט בני/בנות מצווה ואירועים
לילך אלשיך – אירועים
יפית וייס – אירועים
טלי ברכה – גיוס כספים


Shevet Tapuz is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-exempt and will be used to support projects and activities.

To donate to Shevet Tapuz, please visit our donation page.